

General Information

The Library at CIIT, Abbottabad is spacious, well planned, and offers tranquil environment. It is fast developing into one of the richest information resource center in Abbottabad. The library subscribes to a good number of periodicals and journals, which have educational value for students. In addition, it also offers its users a rich learning environment complemented with electronic information access and services. The library has circulation, reserve and reference section. Internet facilities in the library connect users to libraries around the world for reference, assistance and consultation.

The library is fully equipped with sophisticated audiovisual system. Students are encouraged to make use of the educational material available on videotapes, CDs, DVDs as well as on audiotapes. Students can search for resources using state of the art computerized library catalogue system.

A portion of the library has been designated as silence-area, providing students with ideal environment for studies.



CIIT Library Information Services

The library supports the academic programmes of CIIT through collections, technology and services, which enable students and faculty to access recorded knowledge and information resources. This support empowers our constituencies to develop the information and technological competencies necessary to achieve their educational, research and professional goals, succeed in the workforce, apply lifelong learning skills; and participate in a diverse society.


The Resources

The stock and services of the Library though directed mainly towards professionals teaching staff and students, is however, open to all departments & faculties’ employees.


Services offered:

CIIT library provides a wide range of up-to-date information using the latest Reference and Information works, as well as books and periodicals in faculties' subject areas. Library services include:

·         Books for loan

·         Reference and information services

·         Pro-active and current awareness services

·         Periodicals, journals and newspapers

·         Photocopying of material held in library

·         Access to CD-ROM Books

·         Access to HEC Digital Library

·         Access to E-brary

·         Bookshop/Book Bank


Books for loan:

The stock consists of about 25,000 latest books on a variety of subjects. Disciplines like Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Biosciences, Computer studies, Business & Management, English Language and Literature, are particularly well represented, as also general reading for such as Psychology, Social Sciences, Pakistan Study, Travel, Biographies, Fiction, Geography and History etc.


Reference information and research services:

The library has up-to-date reference books on a wide range of subjects and to a high degree of specialization. They include encyclopedias, dictionaries, telephone and other directories, handbooks, university and college prospectuses, atlases and yearbooks.


Periodicals, Journals & Newspapers:

Library has about 30,000-research journals on-line access for the abstracts and full-texts. Also has a good collection of periodicals, newspapers and CD-ROM databases, giving most recent information.


Photocopying of materials held in the library : the Library also arrange the p.copy of the reference materials available in the library


Computerized database:

Available on CD-ROM provides access to up-to-date information on books, comprehensive bibliographic information on all types of books.


Pro-active and Current awareness services:

Include pro-active information; news flash e-mail messages from library, periodicals in English Language, technical, professional, management, computer and contents page service in range of subjects.



Any book in the catalogue can be reserved. You will be notified when the book is available.

HEC Digital Library

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Library is subscribing 30,000 on-line journals (through HEC) giving access to Abstracts, TOCs, full text and Document Delivery Services. These journals are available through nine world's renowned Publishers having different databases on Sciences, Technology, Social science and humanities.

   E-brary: e-brary offers the most flexible options for acquiring eBooks and other authoritative content from the world's leading publishers. ebrary offers an increasing selection of more than 34,250 e-Books of 220 distinguished international publishers....

Bookshop/Bank: the library has also a bookshop for students to get their textbooks on subsidized rates. We have also a book bank facility deserving students.